Adding to an already stellar week of Official Lollapalooza Aftershows, Metro is thrilled to announce a Saturday, August 5, show with Canadian rock outfit ARCADE FIRE. Tickets will go on […]
Falling In Reverse (Ronnie Radke, Derek Jones, Zakk Sandler and Christian Thompson) Chicago Open Air 2017 Toyota Park Bridgeview, IL (Chicago) July 14, 2017 By James Currie
DragonForce (Herman Li, Sam Totman, Vadim Pruzhanoz, Frederic Leclearoq, Marc Hudson and Gee Anzalone) Chicago Open Air 2017 Toyota Park Bridgeview, IL July 15, 2017 By James Currie
Lamb of God (Randy Blythe, Willie Adler, Mark Morton, John Campbell and Chris Adler) Chicago Open Air Toyota Park Bridgeview, IL July 15, 2017 By James Currie