It’s almost that time of year again folks. The official full line up for Riot Fest 2015 in Chicago is in and this year doesn’t disappoint. Just look at this […]
Dave Wyndorf and his henchmen seemingly had the time of their lives when they completely rearranged and boosted Last Patrol 2014 and christened itMilking the Stars: A Re-imagining of Last Patrol!...
From Wilco’s Facebook page: “Why release an album this way and why make it free? Well, the biggest reason, and I’m not sure we even need any others, is that […]
New album ‘Rattle That Lock‘ will be released on Sept 18 and North American dates announced for 2016. David’s new album Rattle That Lock will be released worldwide on Friday,...
The far south suburban venue formally know as First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre in Tinley Park, IL is changing names again. They are now going to be known as Hollywood Casino […]